I started implementing the Selenium UI Tests
In the last couple of weeks mostly I learnt the Cadasta way and started documenting the test cases. Now I’m ready to start coding.
I was instructed to maintain a separate github repository for Cadasta tests. Thus Kate created a new repo https://github.com/Cadasta/cadasta-test. So I forked it and started coding. Here is my forked cadasta-test repo. https://github.com/manoramahp/cadasta-test.
I’ve almost done with the login and user-registration Selenium UI tests.
Below are the test cases covered under user-registrtion and login.
- Register as a new user with all the details provided.
- Login to Cadasta using correct username/password.
- Login attempt with incorrect username/password.
- Trying to register with invalid password.
- Trying to register with incorrect password/confirm-password combination.
- Trying to register with empty username/email/password/confirm-password fields in the registration form.
You can see them running.
Just clone the repo : git clone https://github.com/manoramahp/cadasta-test.git
To install the dependencies :
pip install -r requirements.pip
To configure geckodriver :
Download from https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases
Unzip it and add to PATH variable
To run the tests :
./manage.py test selenium_tests
While implementing the test cases, I’ve faced few issues. Still finding solutions for some of them. I’ll tell you how I solved them in my next post :)